Standard Wallpapers: for domestic or hotel use, there is a vast range of wallpapers, vinyl wall coverings, non-woven wall coverings, metallic foil wall coverings, and also stickers and wall murals. Designs and colors or color combinations for the modern, classic or semi-modern area.
Wallpapers give a number of advantages, since they are washable, easy to install and uninstall, they offer great aesthetic results, some of them give sound and thermal insulation and some others are paintable.
There are no application limits, since they replace the cold, damp and common use of paint. The rich selection of wallpapers is completed with the addition of their borders.

Suitable for flats and houses, shops and showrooms, bars and restaurants, hotels, factories, etc.

Glass Wall Coverings: glass textile is an unbeatable surface material for almost any wall. It is quick and easy to put up. It repairs and prevents cracks in the wall. Painted, it provides a continuous surface without joints. It is easy to maintain and repair and it is also a fire resistance product. The design and color possibilities of Glass Wall Covering are unlimited. It offers style, pattern options, strength and durability for architects, contractors, designers and homeowners. Glass Wall Covering is free of odor and plasticizers. It is an ecologically product made from natural materials.
It is also cost effective. Its initial cost is about the same as other commercial wall coverings. However, painting Glass Wallpaper versus replacing Standard one can save 50% or more over the lifetime of the installation. Even if changing in fashion demands a new color, that can be arranged quickly with a new coat of paint.

Suitable for the hotel industry, shopping malls, factories, houses and offices.